How to Overcome Scurvy

Scabies is caused by a parasitic mite Sarcoptes scabiei is very itchy varhominis. Scurvy more frequently encountered in the slums and lack of body hygiene. Usually the symptoms are intense itching caused an unbearable at the sidelines of the leg, arm, underarm, waist and more.

How to overcome scurvy

How to overcome scurvy

Scurvy is very easy to catch, for example, by direct contact with patients or with a towel, clothes together. Scabies can be treated with natural medicine or ointment buy in pharmacies. In order to heal quickly, you can do the following:

In order to recover from scurvy use permethrin dermal cream to kill the mites, but if you are allergic to permethrin use lotion or melathion with a watery fluid. Let stand for 8-24 hours, and use the cream before showering and use it regularly.

Wash with warm water, as this will reduce the itching of scabies that much on the body.

To kill dust mites, wash clothes, towels, and bed linens in water with a temperature of 50 ° C or more. And iron the clothes before wearing to prevent the return of scurvy.

You may need antibiotics if the skin itchy becomes, consult your doctor if this has been going on for more than 2-3 weeks after treatment.

Do not ignore skin disorders, because if not treated properly will get worse. All skin diseases, including scabies can avoid, by applying a clean life and always maintain the cleanliness of the skin.

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