Unique Skin Care Ingredients

Now this wide range of skin care products competing in the market. Consumers also tend to be more interested in these products rather than treat the skin with natural methods.

skin care Unique

Unique Skin Care Ingredients

Natural skin care products can be found daily at home. Here are some natural skin care products are unique and unusual, among others:

Cooking Oil
Sunflower oil, sesame oil and olive oil are some skin care that has been commonly used. But Ever thought that cooking oil is also good for your skin? Cooking oil can be used to rejuvenate and protect skin.

Tea Bags
Tea bags with lots of caffeine in it can be used to eliminate dark circles under the eyes. Caffeine is applied to the skin can serve as a natural sunscreen and protects the skin from sun damage.

Avocados contain fat and rich in vitamins A, D and E. This vitamin is very beneficial because it helps the skin retain moisture and reduce wrinkles.

Lemon oil
Lemon is rich in vitamin C and is a powerful antioxidant. So that the lemon oil can be used to smooth the skin, reduce dark circles under the eyes and disguise the dark spots on the skin.

Mangoes contain triglycerides similar to the body's natural moisture. Mangoes can be directly applied to the lips that can restore lip moisture.

Barus chalk white
Made from the distillation of camphor wood and bark cinamomum camphora. white camphor can be used as a lip balm on the skin and reduce inflammation.

Mint can be applied to the skin is itchy or infected for a soothing effect. In addition, the mint can be used to abate the pain caused by the bite of mosquitoes, bees and wasps. Vitamin A from the mint can also strengthen the skin tissue and overcome the excess oil on skin.

Hopefully useful way of skin care skinhealthcere blog, and if you have any additions or suggestions to improve this blog please comment on the fine skin care.

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