Choosing Lipstick Color According to Skin

What are the considerations when choosing your lipstick? One may dress to wear. But did you ever consider in choosing a lipstick color?

Choosing Lipstick Color According to Skin

Choosing Lipstick Color According to Skin

Red lipstick is very popular, but not everyone is suitable to wear lipstick. One choose a lipstick color can affect your appearance. Do not want this to happen? Here are some alloys when they wanted to choose a lipstick.

White skin

Avoid tinted orange-red lipstick because it makes the skin look dull.
Choose a lipstick color with the hue berry, grape, pink or nude.
Lipstick brown color suitable for the afternoon and evening, but make sure chocolate with mocha or red hue. Avoid brown orange yellow base color because it makes the dull face.
Pink lipstick matches your used white voters. Avoid flaming pink lipstick color because it makes you look pale.

Brown skin

If you want to use red lipstick, make sure the base color red with brown, or dark red berries. Avoid the red color tends to orange or pink because it makes the skin darker.
Choose a lipstick colors like maroon, reddish brown, or dark brown like coffee.
You are the owner of any brown skin can wear pink, as long as it does not tend to choose darker shades.

Blacks skin

The red color of mahogany, dark plum and red wine of choice shades of red lipstick suits you the owner of a dark skin.
If you want to get a dramatic effect, choose a lipstick color coffee brown. As for the impression of light brown choose. In general, all shades of brown lipstick suitable for blacks.
Lipstick shades of berry, rose, plum, pink beige nude inclined you can use if you want to choose shades of pink lipstick.

In addition to clothing worn and color, consider also the character that you want to highlight. For example, bright red lipstick to get an impression of strong and sexy woman. Congratulations choose lipstick.

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