Remove Dull Skin with Mask Beet

Masks beet has many benefits, one of which is to remove dull skin. Which woman does not want beautiful skin, silky, and smooth. Although not white, but at least avoid the dark spots and dull. However, sometimes the sun exposure and pollution can make skin look dull.

Remove Dull Skin with Mask Beet

Remove Dull Skin with Mask Beet

A variety of beauty products can be easily found, but not necessarily match your skin with ingredients such products. Want something natural, easily available and does not burden your expenses? Masks beet can be chosen.

Beet known to contain pachyrihizon, rotenon, vitamin B1 and C and has the chemical properties and fermakologis sweet, cool, cool so as to cool the skin. Beet also contains an antiseptic that is able to cope with itching on the skin and remove dead skin cells. How to make mask beet was fairly easy, namely:

Mask beet material:
grated beet

How to make a mask beet:
Peel the yam taste.
Rinse and drain.
Prepare the filter and bowl.
Grated beet and make sure you've washed your hands before grating.
Squeeze grated beet and add to the bowl and leave overnight.
The next morning, beet juice will turn into starch deposition. Mix the starch with water and apply on the face.

Masks beet not only overcome the dull skin, but also makes the skin more elastic and prevent wrinkles. Masks made ​​from natural is safer to use and has no side effects.
Good luck, removes dull skin with masks beet