How to Remove Stretch Marks from Stomach

Stretch marks on stomach makes most women feel confident with her ​​appearance and trying to diminish.

remove stretch marks from stomach

remove stretch marks from stomach

Once pregnant, women usually find stretch marks on her stomach due to elastic fibers stretched skin during pregnancy.

The following options can be selected to diminish stretch marks on stomach.

Eat protein foods
Fine lines, known as stretch marks are formed when the collagen and elastic fibers in the skin is stretching. It occurs during pregnancy or growth spurts.
Collagen and elastic fibers are made of protein, so you need to be overcome by eating foods rich in protein such as lean meat, chicken, tofu, and tempeh that can help promote the growth of collagen and better skin elasticity.

Wearing a cream Retin-A
Stretch marks usually appear in the new pink, bumpy and itchy. To treat it use prescription retinoid creams such as Retin-A, which can stimulate the growth of collagen repair and diminish stretch marks.
The earlier the cream is used, then the result will be more effective to diminish fine lines, scars pregnancy. But Retin-A is not recommended for use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Stretch marks will long pale and more difficult to treat. This condition can be corrected by Microdermabrasion is the process of smoothing the surface of the skin, lift dead skin cells and stimulate collagen formation using aluminum dioxide crystals sterile.

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