Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Diet with only drinking water is believed to be the best way to lose weight quickly at the same time removing toxins from the body.

Lose Weight by Drinking Water

Lose Weight by Drinking Water

People who are on a diet with only water to drink should avoid all solid foods and drink plenty of water when on a diet of water.

With drinking water, without solid food the body can still survive. Because the body has sufficient reserves to survive for several days without food.

Nutrition ists generally recommend a diet with drinking water for 10 days for people with good physical condition. This process can also help improve the process of detoxification.

People who are on a diet of water, are expected to drink 7-10 glasses of distilled water or purified drinking water each day. With this diet, weight-average about 1-2 pounds per day.

Besides drinking water, people who are on a diet of water can still eat food that is a liquid, such as clear soup, fruit juices without pulp, vegetable broth, tea or coffee without sugar and cream or fruits that contain lots of water.

But not everyone can run a diet like this. Because people with heart disease, diabetes and certain other diseases should not be doing the white water diet.

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