Breast Milk is Cure

Breast milk is the best food for babies. Not only healthy, miracle water is also able to cure some common illnesses experienced by babies because breast milk is the cure.

There are many common diseases can be cured with breast milk. Breast milk is appropriate without side effects.

Some diseases can be cured babies with breast milk are:

Breast Milk

Breast Milk is Cure

1. Disorders and eye inflammation. Squirt a few drops of breast milk into baby's eyes. Repeat as often as possible. This method can be applied to children and adults.

2. A pimple on the skin. Apply breast milk directly on irritated skin, rub gently, allow to dry himself.

3. Inflammation of the skin caused by fungus. Apply breast milk and let it dry itself.

4. Respiratory congestion. Regular nose drops too hard for the baby. If your child's stuffy nose, drop five to seven drops of breast milk, which is taken directly from his mother, into one nostril. Wait for 15 minutes and do it again the other nostril. Do not do it in both nostrils at once.

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